A fresh set of comics heading to stores this week from Dynamite, including a trio of fantasy fan-favorites headed up by Fire and Ice.
Is Fire and Ice having one heck of a comeback, or what? The 1983 fantasy property had been idle for decades, before being picked up by publisher Dynamite Comics, and continues its roll this week with Fire and Ice: Teegra.
The new book looks to be a one-shot from writer Bill Willingham and artist Gabriele Di Caro, and (obviously) centers on the title character. Teegra finds herself a runaway bride, seeking to dodge the list of suitors that her father, the King, has selected for her. The title is set to sport a double shot of covers, from artists Dan Panosian and Meghan Hetrick, both of which are pretty phenomenal looking.
Not to be outdone though is another legendary fantasy icon, Red Sonja. One of Dynamite’s longest running characters, the eighth issue of the Hyrkanian warrior’s current run is hitting stores with not just a massive slate of covers to pick from, but one massive problem for Sonja. What do you do with a glut of gods pouring out of the fallen barriers between the realms, as they take aim at the Hyborian realm?
Want even more fantasy action? Well, how ’bout Wheel of Time: The Great Hunt #4? The adaptation of the book series continuers here with chapter four, “The Shadow in Shienar”.
All of the above should be in stores this week, along with the Vampirella/Dracula: Unholy trade paperback.

- WRITER: Bill Willingham | ARTIST: Gabriele Di Caro
$5.99 Cardstock Covers - When you go to war against the dark forces of the frozen north, there are some things you can’t do without – like warriors, weapons, and the will to fight. You also need strong allies if you want to have any hope of victory. But how do you cement the kind of alliances that help to win wars? Well, if you have a daughter of marriageable age, a strategic betrothal might be a good way to go. And that’s just what King Jarol of Firekeep has in mind for his beautiful, headstrong daughter, Teegra. But what happens when the eligible princes of many kingdoms line up to compete for fair Teegra’s hand, only to find that the promised princess is suddenly nowhere to be found? Find out this February in a story we almost called “Teegra’s Big Run!”
- Renowned writer BILL WILLINGHAM and fan-favorite artist GABRIELE DI CARO return to the incredible world of Ralph Bakshi and Frank Frazetta’s groundbreaking animated film Fire and Ice with this special 40-page one-shot, featuring perfectly primordial covers by DAN PANOSIAN and MEGHAN HETRICK!

- WRITER: Torunn Grønbekk | ARTIST: Walter Geovani
COLORIST: Omi Remalante Jr. | LETTERER: Simon Bowland - In this issue: The barriers between the realms have opened, the gods have descended upon Hyboria, and Kulan Gath walks the Earth once more. Who among them will seize the ultimate power and hold the mortals in their thrall? None – as long as Red Sonja has a say!
- Set down in ancient runes by TORUNN GRONBEKK and carved upon sacred parchment by WALTER GEOVANI, Red Sonja #8 arrives clad in the finest of rainments, exquisitely tailored by LUCIO PARILLO, BJORN BARENDS, JOSEPH MICHAEL LINSNER, FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA, and RACHEL HOLLON!

- WRITER: Rik Hoskin | ARTIST: Marcio Abreu
$4.99 Cardstock Covers - In this exciting adaptation of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, adapted by writer RIK HOSKIN and artist MARCIO ABREU, readers will explore the momentous events of The Great Hunt and follow the young hero Rand al’Thor and his compatriots as they seek out the Horn of Valere!
- In Chapter Four, “The Shadow in Shienar,” factions of the Aes Sedai maneuver in Fal Dara as Moiraine Sedai’s relationship with a captive Darkfriend comes under scrutiny. Who is this servant of the Dark One, and where are the three young men who escorted Moiraine into the city? Meanwhile, the Amyrlin Seat has a vision that reveals the identity of the champion of light, prompting Moiraine to finally voice her conviction that Rand al’Thor will soon stand before the world as the Dragon Reborn!

- WRITER: Christopher Priest | ARTIST: Donny Hadiwidjaja
COLORIST: Mohan | LETTERER: Willie Schubert - ISBN-13: 978-1-5241-2209-6
- Has Vampirella cheated fate? That’s the question our interstellar vampire faces as she unites in unholy matrimony with the man who would be DRACULA!
- The honeymoon begins! The adventure of several lifetimes begins as Vampirella and new husband Matt journey to Castle Dracula in Transylvania in an attempt to cheat fate by preventing both a high-tech virus and an ancient curse from using Matt’s body to resurrect the deadliest threat the world has ever known. Meanwhile secrets and mystery grow around Vampi’s spouse, who may not be nearly as innocent as he appears to be. Join us for Vampirella’s next tale, by twice-bitten writer Christopher Priest and bloodthirsty artist Donny Hadiwidjaja!
- Collects Vampirella/Dracula: Unholy #1-6