Home / News / War is hell, and so is Las Vegas in upcoming FPS Hellbreach: Vegas

War is hell, and so is Las Vegas in upcoming FPS Hellbreach: Vegas

Join Infinity Ape and Iceberg Interactive as they show off upcoming wave-shooter Hellbreach: Vegas, then join in on the playtest.

Hell comes to neon-town

First, if you don’t know what Hellbreach: Vegas is, today’s video is a pretty good primer. The game sets off a series of rifts in famed Las Vegas, with each one belching out denizens of the demonic sort. Of course, that means it’s up to players (either solo or in teams) to cut them all down to size, and close those portals.

Here’s a look at the game’s co-op play, which seems like it’s the title’s main event:

Did you check it out? Intrigued? Dying to play? Well, that’s good, because Iceberg Interactive has a test coming up soon. Actually, if we’re going to be completely accurate about the whole thing, there are going to be two of those.

One is a single player test that should be landing any day now, and the second will be focused on multiplayer. Test number two will give participants the first chance to see Hellbreach: Vegas’ multiplayer in action, which again seems like the meat and potatoes of the game, and of course provide a little feedback on its wave-centric gameplay for the dev team at Infinity Ape.

Signups are open right now, which you can get in on here, via Hellbreach: Vegas’ Steam page. As mentioned there’s also that single player test, though that’s a little foggier. We do know it’s timed for GamesCom, so it should be happening right now, but hasn’t opened just yet. Best stay tuned if you’re interested, and maybe watch that Steam listing for more details.

Hellbreach: Vegas is scheduled to hit the PC some time before the end of this year.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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