The first issue of Marvel Comics’ titanic tussle, that’ll pit a Yautja against Wolverine will have a plethora of covers to choose from.
This one’s going to be a slobberknocker, but what else should fans have been expecting from two of pop culture’s most violent characters. Notable for a few reasons, Predator vs Wolverine will bring the alien Yautja into the Marvel Universe, proper. No, this one won’t be in some alternate reality, but will actually retcon the title movie-monster into the history of the Marvel U’s ol’Canucklehead.
The battle will be a long one too, as one lone Predator will target Logan in his early days, and then plague him, returning time and again throughout his long life for fresh hunts. We can’t wait to see the look on his face when he runs into the adamantium. That’s gonna be a fun one.
To go along with the debut issue, which is due next month (September 2023), Marvel is prepping a massive slate of variant covers. These illustrations will be from a pool of names you definitely know, like Young, Land, Maleev and more, and each will of course be hitting day and date with the main book.
Here’s a visual rundown:
THE THRILL IS THE KILL! Wolverine has lived one of the longest and most storied lives in comics history. Now witness the untold greatest battles of Logan’s life – against a Predator! One Yautja seeks the greatest prey in existence – and finds it in Weapon X. From the blood-ridden snows of the Canadian wilderness to the sword-slinging streets of Madripoor, Wolverine and a Predator break everything in their paths on their way to the ultimate victory…or glorious death.
Marvel Comics press release
- Variant Cover by ALEX MALEEV – 75960620710700116
- Virgin Variant Cover by ALEX MALEEV – 75960620710700118
- Variant Cover by INHYUK LEE – 75960620710700117
- Variant Cover by SKOTTIE YOUNG – 75960620710700121
- Wolverine Homage Variant Cover by MIKE MCKONE – 75960620710700131
- Predator Homage Variant Cover by MIKE MCKONE – 75960620710700171
- Variant Cover by PEACH MOMOKO – 75960620710700141
- Variant Cover by STEVEN MCNIVEN – 75960620710700151
- Variant Cover by STEPHEN SEGOVIA – 75960620710700161
It’s killer vs killer when Predator vs Wolverine #1 hits the stands on September 20th, from writer Benjamin Percy and the artistic team of Ken Lashley, Greg Land, and Andrea Di Vito.