Names don’t get much bigger than J. Michael Straczynski in sci-fi and comics. Now the legend will be joining the team at Dark Horse.
All-new, all-different
Chances are, you’ve either seen or read something by one J. Michael Straczynski. The man has both created universes like Babylon 5’s, and penned stories in existing ones from the likes of DC and Marvel Comics. And now he’s branching out yet again.
Dark Horse Comics has revealed that they’ve teamed with Straczynski for what’ll be a fresh initiative of brand new worlds.
“I’m very excited to be pairing up with Mike Richardson and Dark Horse for my forthcoming creator-owned work in graphic novels, miniseries and ongoing series,” Straczynski said. “Mike is a stand-up kind of guy, and that philosophy is at the center of his company. Anyone who says ‘Just write what you want’ is my kind of guy.”
J. Michael Straczynski

Since Straczynski has had a hand in working with pretty much all the major genres out there, the path is pretty wide as to what fans can expect. Dark Horse says that the details are still under wraps as of now, but yeah, you can probably expect a little of everything.
Well, that’s to say, “a little of everything” save darkness. Don’t expect grim and gritty from Straczynski, but instead a stable of stories filled with characters you’ll remember, and a lot of fun.
…“We’re keeping most of those details under wraps for now, but suffice to say it’s a very wide runway. First up will be an international, geopolitical thriller that blends science fiction with the superhero genre in a way we really haven’t seen before. It’s going to be a huge story with massive global and personal stakes. This will be balanced by individual character stories designed to challenge the tropes of the superhero genre, building on what I did with books like Supreme Power, Midnight Nation and Rising Stars and taking it to the next level. Finally, there will be titles in the modern dark fantasy and historical fantasy genres, along the lines of Neil Gaiman’s Chivalry, also from Dark Horse. Stories about strong characters that are challenging and fun, not nihilistic or too terribly dark. To that end, I’m proud to be part of the Dark Horse family of writers, artists, and other ne’er-do-wells.”
J. Michael Straczynski