Home / Action Figures and Toys / Take a look at Clone Trooper Jesse in Sideshow’s latest Hot Toys unboxing

Take a look at Clone Trooper Jesse in Sideshow’s latest Hot Toys unboxing

The Grand Army of the Republic grows yet again thanks to Hot Toys, this time with the addition of the about-to-ship Clone Trooper Jesse.

Good soldiers follow orders

Clone Wars fans should instantly recognize one of the 501st’s best, with the Clone Trooper known as Jesse. As Clones go, he’s pretty unique, with a Republic emblem branded on the Commander’s helm, as well as his face by way of a tattoo.

He’s also about to ship out to collectors around the world, thanks to Sideshow Toys. Hot Toys’ latest Star Wars release, Jesse is modeled in the same style as the majority of the company’s other offerings; as though the character appeared in the live-action movies instead of the animated show.

He comes complete with an assortment of accessories, as well as an unmasked head-sculpt.

The clone troopers™ of the 501st Legion™ are a tight-knit bunch, loyal to their Jedi™ General, Anakin Skywalker™Jesse is a hard-fighting patriot who proudly wears the cog-shaped symbol of the Galactic Republic on his helmet, and has a large tattoo that covers his face. After the execution of Order 66™, however, Jesse and the rest of the clones are blindly loyal to the Emperor, and not even his brother, the clone known as Rex™, can compete with the chip’s programming.

Sideshow Toys press release

Jesse is set to ship some time in the next few months, and is still up for pre-order via Sideshow Toys. He’s priced in at $285 USD.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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