The Street Fighters are back in action from publisher Udon, with Street Fighter Masters: Cammy, a one-shot set to hit stands in March.
World Warrior
It’s a very big year for Street Fighter fans, who’ve got a new game to look forward to. Street Fighter 6 is a marquee title from Capcom, and looks set to launch the property into a whole new era. But as you can imagine, there are all kinds of things scheduled to arrive alongside it.
Action figures (from multiple companies) and comics will be on the way aplenty. And the latter category includes a new book from Udon, in direct response to fans who’ve been clamoring for more solo Cammy action.
That’s right, the special British agent will be starring in this new tale, as she tracks down the second edition of the deadly cyborg known as Seth.
You wanted it so you got it! The Killer Bee strikes in her own stand-alone adventure! MI6 Officer Cammy White is called in for a very special assignment: Stop the rampage of the unhinged cyborg Seth! It’s CAMMY vs. SETH in a breakneck battle through the streets of London!
Featuring a rollicking story by David Lumsdon (Ménage à 3, My Little Pony: The Manga) and featuring incredible art by Alberto Alburquerque (New Mutants, W.E.B. of Spider-Man), Street Fighter Masters: Cammy #1, covers A, B, C, and D, are now available for pre-order at all comic book stores!
Udon press release
Look for Street Fighter Masters: Cammy #1 in stores this coming March 22nd (2023).