Home / News / Fallout 76 rolls on with plenty of new content in 2022

Fallout 76 rolls on with plenty of new content in 2022

If you thought Fallout 76’s heyday was over, you were sorely mistaken. The apocalyptic title will continue its updates throughout 2022.

Moving on

Fallout 76 has had a somewhat rocky lifespan, but Bethesda’s former MMO just keeps getting better at this point. The game still has a massively-multiplayer theme, but has incorporated a ton of post-launch content, including (basically) a more “Fallout” single-player mode.

And if you’re already a fan, then we’ve got some good news for you since none of that will be stopping in 2022. This year will bring a full slate of new content, which will feature a brand new way to plat 76, and the arrival of some off-world enemies.

Here’s what 2022 will have on tap:


  • Our next patch will be here soon with an all-new seasonal event, Invaders From Beyond. In this map-wide event, players encounter UFO appearances and aliens. Defeat the invaders and destroy their deployed Brainwave Siphons before they complete their ”research”. This patch also brings improvements and changes to Fallout Worlds, including the ability to earn S.C.O.R.E. on daily and weekly challenges, new settings for C.A.M.P. buildings, PvP settings, disabling VATS, and Legendary Perks. 


  • The Test Your Metal update comes with three new public events: Test Your Metal, Eviction Notice, and Moonshine Jamboree. Fallout 1st members can expect scoreboard improvements like exclusive challenges, increased S.C.O.R.E. earn rate, and exclusive board ranks.  


  • Expeditions: The Pitt arrives and introduces a whole new way to play Fallout 76. Accessed by a new hub in Whitespring, players will venture outside of Appalachia for the first time in the game. This update introduces repeatable off-site Missions where players will earn new rewards, meet new NPCs with quests and dialogue trees, and reintroduces the Trogs, an enemy first seen in Fallout 3‘s The Pitt.  


  • An entrepreneur of the wasteland has kicked the tires and uncapped the pre-war Nuka-World on Tour travelling roadshow. The roadshow has set its sights on the Ash Heap region of Appalachia. Players can anticipate new Public Events with this update including a new Region Boss Public Event. Earn loot, explore the grounds, and interact with new NPCs to learn more about the show. 

Want more? Check out the official Fallout 76 site for additional info on what’s coming up for all versions of the game.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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