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NYCC 19: New Wolverine book spinning out of Dawn of X

It’s been a while, but there’s a brand new Wolverine #1 on the way to racks for 2020. The new book will pit the berserker against… loggers and miners?

The old Canucklehead

I have to admit, I don’t quite get this, but then that makes sense since I’m not reading Powers/House of X. The buzz has been tremendous for Johnathan Hickman’s new take not he X-Men, but it’s pretty radically different from what’s come before.

Set on the island of Krakoa, which longtime fans will remember being a deathtrap that starred in Giant-Sized X-Men #1 way back when, Krakoa has been tamed by Professor X and is now home to the entire mutant populace of Earth. Maybe. There seems to be some talk that not everything is as it seems, and the X-Men are going to be facing some big time tumult in the future. If that’s the case though, it’s not going to be for a while.

That’s very evident from the fact that this new Wolverine series, which ties directly into the Krakoa arc, doesn’t come out till February. Written by Ben Percy and with art from Adam Kubert, the first arc of the new series will see Logan going head to head with some humans who are looking to exploit the natural resources of the island.

How they plan on doing that with (presumably) thousands of super-powered residents isn’t too clear. But either way, Wolverine isn’t having it.

From the press release:

Just announced at the Marvel Comics: X-Men – Dawn of X Panel at New York Comic Con, WOLVERINE #1 will kick off in February, following Wolverine as he takes it upon himself to defend the new nation of Krakoa from the humans who would exploit its extraordinary resources. With a new mission comes a new creative team, and Wolverine couldn’t ask for a better one to guide him in his new role.

Award-winning comic book author Ben Percy brought Marvel stories to life in a brand-new way with two critically acclaimed scripted podcasts, Marvel’s “Wolverine: The Long Night,” and Marvel’s “Wolverine: The Lost Trail.” Percy’s take on the iconic character delighted both new and long-term fans, and he’s the perfect guide for Wolverine as the character dives into the criminal underworld to protect mutantkind from outside threats.

Marvel Comics

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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