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Games With Gold: NHL, Rivals of Aether, Portal, EarthDefenseForce

The Games with Gold are here for June. The free games that will be available for Xbox Gold Members will be NHL 2019, Rivals of Aether, Portal: Still Alive, and EarthDefenseForce 2017.

NHL 19 And Portal: Still Alive

Break out the skates and a hockey stick because we are going to play a game of pickup on the pond. That is right, starting tomorrow, June 1st, Xbox Gold Members will be able to download NHL 19 from EA Sports. Just in time to watch the Stanley Cup Finals, players can start off as an unknown pond guppy and work your way up to the big leagues.

From the Xbox 360 library comes Portal: Still Alive from Valve. For anyone unfamiliar with this game, you are a scientist stuck in a lab with only a portal gun. What does the portal gun do? Well it opens up a portal that gamers can jump through or to use to solve puzzles. There are also references to cake and some robot that ridicules you the entire time. FUN TIMES!

Rivals Of Aether and EarthDefenseForce 2017

It is time to battle – with the four elements of course. Rivals of Aether is similar to Super Smash Brothers in the sense that players will battle other players in a small arena while trying to knock each other out of the ring. So what is the hook? Well, players get to control the four elements Air, Earth, Fire, Water. Figure out what all this means starting on June 16th.

It seems as though Ubisoft has decided to take a few months off from providing its monthly sacrifice, I mean offering. Instead Xbox Gold Members will receive another riveting iteration of EarthDefenseForce 2017. Developed by Sandlot, this time, the Earth Defense Force knew when the alien bugs were arriving and planned for the invasion. So get ready to blast those bugs, because the only good bug, is a dead bug.

About Rick Brown

As a fearful proponent, I agree with out robot overlords on House Bill 10010101 - The Full Extermination of the Human Race. But until then, make sure to check out all my writings on video game stuff.

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