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More DC Vinimates on the way from DST

Diamond Select is getting back in the DC Comics game with it’s ‘Mates. This time it’s not Minimates, but Vinimates.


If you remember the early days of the Minimates toy line from Diamond Select, then you likely recall that they weren’t always purely Marvel Comics-based. While the vast majority of the little figures are Marvel now, DC Comics characters used to be a big part of the line as well.

But while that’s still the case of Minimates, DST’s new Vinimates have gone back to Detective Comics again. Vinimates are very much like Minimates, except bigger and mostly non-posable. They’re basically vinyl collector figures, and they’re pretty rad.

Series 1 is out right now, and features Batman and Harley Quinn in the standard assortment. There are also two flavors of Hal Jordan, with Toys R Us getting a Green Lantern version and Walgreens getting a Black Lantern edition. Oh, and Hal isn’t alone at TRU either. The toy superstore also has Blackfire and Flashback Starfire from Teen Titans Go!.

That’s what’s out now though. As for what’s coming up, it’s even cooler.

Wave 1 of the Justice League Vinimates will hi ton November 2nd, and include Batman, Wonder Woman, and Flash, who’ll be exclusive to comic shops. Walgreens stores will get an exclusive here too in the form of a battle damaged Dark Knight.

Series 2 of the Justice League figures meanwhile, will be exclusive to comic shops and TRU’s. That set will include Superman, Cyborg, and Aquaman. TRU will also get a Batman figure in that wave.

After that, we go back to the comics for wave 2 of those Vinimates. Superman, Joker, and Wonder Woman make up the basic assortment there. Walgreens will continue the Black Lantern train though, and get a Black Lantern Batman, while Toys R Us will go exclusive with Nibor (reverse-Robin from Teen Titans GO!).

Still want more? Well that’s good because DST has more to go. A lot more actually. After the above is all said and done, you can expect to see Vinimates from the DCTV shows Flash and Supergirl, and the Arkham Asylum video game.

No release dates on those last ones as of yet.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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