Home / E3 / PlayStation E3 2017 Press Conference Recap: God of War, Spider-Man and More

PlayStation E3 2017 Press Conference Recap: God of War, Spider-Man and More

This has to be the fastest Sony (or E3 even) press conference ever. Shawn Layden, President & CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment America (SIEA), only walked out about twice- but it was worth it.

The 17 PlayStation games that Sony showed were pretty much what fans could have asked for. They showed us some stuff that we’ll be playing soon, but this show was Sony’s E3 to demo what they have been working on.

Last E3 was pretty amazing in its own right, but we got a lot of teasers. PlayStation fans were waiting for more, and they certainly got it. With full gameplay trailers and lots of release dates, we’re definitely close to being able to play these titles.

Let’s kick this off with God of War

God of War is a very lonely game about death and destruction. In this new version, we see the characters fleshed out, and get inside the head of Kratos.

The interaction between him and his son seems tense, and we don’t know exactly what their story is yet. But it’s kind of oddly funny to see it all play out. We’ve seen games like this work just fine before, with an adult and child (The Last of Us) team, and it’s definitely not a bad thing. It’s just interesting to see how the God of War franchise is changing as a whole.

As we’ve seen before, Kratos once again has a rage meter. And when he gets mad at his son and starts yelling at him, the rage meter goes up. I hope he doesn’t hurt his son because when the rage meter goes up all the way, who knows what he’ll do. Also, his “blue glowing” ax that comes back when thrown was pretty wicked. Had to get a mention of that in there.

Does whatever a Spider can

On the lighter side, Marvel’s Spider-Man was beautiful and bright thanks to Insomniac Games, creators Ratchet & Clank. It feels a lot like Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham games, with a mix of Naughty Dog’s Uncharted-like sequences. We also don’t know how much of the missions are open world. All the same, it looks like we can expect side missions and collectibles to gather.

We see Spider-Man helping Wilson Fisk take down Mister Negative for example while saving the city from falling debris. That’s an odd pairing. In this quick trailer too, we see a lot of Spider-Man’s mechanics.

His fighting mechanics are as fluid as ever, mixing Batman-type strikes in with some fresh moves that pull a comedic turn. Spider-Man ties his webs around a thug in a way where he knocks himself out, and even catches falling enemies, saving them from impending doom. You could say the interaction is at a Watch Dogs 2 level. Fun stuff.

Monsters and zombies

On the other hand, Capcom Japan’s Monster Hunter: World didn’t look the best. And honestly, the trailer seemed kind of bland. The release date is early 2018, so I hope they pull things together because, at they point, it seems like a PS3 game. Plus, I thought MHW was a huge multiplayer game, yet there was only one person on the screen gathering items… for a whole two minutes. Definitely the lowest point of the press conference.

When in doubt make a zombie game. Well, that is what my mother used to say anyway. All joking aside, Days Gone (developed by Sony’s Bend Studio, creators of the Syphon Filter Games and their most recent UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss), is another zombie game. However, it’s one that takes the classic PlayStatition look and feel that PlayStation games are now known for. Technically the game is interesting, but visually it doesn’t bring anything new. That’s not to say that it won’t be worth getting, it’s just a little too early to tell as of right now. Though, I have to say the acrobatic zombies we’re pretty neat!

The Shadow is cast again

After it was announced earlier this week that Sony filed Shadow of Colossus Trademark under Class 9 computer game software and Class 41 online game services, we suspected something was going on.

Remake? Sequel? PSVR? We didn’t know. But then they came out with a full remaster of the game for PS4 by BluePoint Games, who are known for their stellar HD remasters. This was a surprise to everyone because nobody knew this was going to be here in advance, nor did any emails get sent out.

The best of the rest

So lets round this thing off. Destiny 2 is now pushing for a September 6th release date on all platforms instead of the initial September 8th. Personly, I don’t think exclusives are enough to keep gamers playing on PS4 because the Sony version will be super underpowered compared to the Xbox One X and PC. Although I’ll still play it on PS4 because, you know… PlayStation rules.

Sadly the PS Vita was completely ignored, though that was expected. Still a downer though. Happily, however, six games were announced for the PSVR. They are listed below, along with all the other games that were announced during the PlayStation E3 2017 Press Conference.

Showing off The Last of US: Part 2 would have been the icing on the cake, but overall it was a great show. And again, we’ll be able to play a lot of these games sooner than we originally thought. That’s always nice.

PS4 games announced at E3 2017:

Call Of Duty: WW2
Days Gone
Destiny 2
Detroit: Become Human
God Of War
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
Monster Hunter: World
Shadow Of The Colossus
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Final Fantasy XV: Monster of the Deep – VR
Moss – VR
The Inpatient – VR
Star Child – VR
Bravo Team – VR

For all your E3 2017 information keep it locked right here on BrutalGamer.com!

About Dylan Lepore

Dylan is a writer, gamer, avid movie lover, and PlayStation extraordinaire. Currently, he attends Radford University in pursuit of a BS in Media Studies with a concentration in Journalism. When he’s not writing the next epic post (but you know he is), he plays games like Destiny, Uncharted, Wolfenstein/DOOM/Dishonored; long story short: If I played the game, I liked it; if I haven't played it, just remember that I'm in college.

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