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Civil War II #5 (Comics) Preview

Marvel’s Civil War II rolls on as Bruce Banner’s fate ripples through the Marvel U.

The battle lines have been drawn and war erupts! As the devastating fallout from the death of Bruce Banner sends shockwaves across every corner of the world, Iron Man and Captain Marvel duke it out with the future of the Marvel Universe on the line! Today, Marvel is pleased to present your first look inside the explosive CIVIL WAR II #5 – coming at you this September from the A-List creative team of Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez and Justin Ponsor. As punches are thrown and the war hits a fever pitch, truth behind Ulysses’ predictive powers stands revealed – and it’s a game changer! Plus – an ending so shocking it’ll have the world talking! Don’t miss the thrilling next chapter when CIVIL WAR II #5 comes to comic shops and digital devices on September 21st!

In flux yet again, the Marvel Universe never seems to be settled for long these days. And Civil War II has been waged for four issues at this point. Well, we’ll make that five issues come next month as the 5th issue hits the stands. And this one’s getting the ball rolling on a battle that’s been festering.

War, war never changes

While this preview isn’t all that in-depth, we definitely get a peek at some all-out action. And thanks to the little paragraph above, you can definitely get a feel for what’s coming. That being a head-to-head that fans have been waiting for of course. Iron Man in one corner, Captain Marvel in the other.

We know something at this point too, about what’s coming after this event ends. Chiefly, that Tony Stark will no longer be Iron Man. What is it that gets him to hang up the armor (well, for a while anyway)? That’s one of the tantalizing questions that the remainder of Civil War II poses.

As a longtime Marvel fan myself, I can’t say I love everything that the publisher is doing these days. Stuff like killing off Bruce Banner doesn’t really sit all that well with me. Even I have to admit though, it’s never boring.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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