Home / E3 / E3 2016 – Norman Reedus to star in Kojima’s next game, Death Stranding

E3 2016 – Norman Reedus to star in Kojima’s next game, Death Stranding

At last night’s Sony press conference at E3 2016, Hideo Kojima, the creator of the Metal Gear franchise, offered us a look at his latest project, Death Stranding.

It was revealed in the trailer that the main character is the likeness of The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus, who was holding an infant that then dissolved into a black tar-like substance. Yup, that’s Kojima all over. Little else is currently known about the project, as there was no launch date revealed, nor the consoles on which the game will be available, but it looks certain to be a PlayStation exclusive.

Reedus has worked with Kojima before on the PT demo, which was supposed to be linked to the now cancelled Silent Hills. Kojima has recently been shopping for a new engine and appears to have finally found it. The game will be released via a partnership with Sony that was announced last December. The ominous trailer – which is both surreal and gorgeous – can be seen here.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2nuHEGhwiw[/embedyt]

About Dan Atlee

From the tender age of four, when he was given his first Sony PlayStation, Dan has been hooked on video games. He loves his RPGs more than anything, enjoys immersion and will definitely blame any FIFA losses on scripting.

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