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Comic Con DC movie trailers go online (officially this time)

While chances are that you’ve seen both of these already, I think it’s worth a repeat since we have yet to post them on BG.

Both Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad had new trailers debut at SDCC this past weekend, and both look pretty phenomenal. While BvS’ new trailer was released fairly quickly to the online community for repeated viewings, Suicide Squad was not, which resulted in smuggled ‘shaky cam’ video exploding with views on YouTube.

It seems that director David Ayer wasn’t all that happy with the terrible quality of those, so Warner Bros released the official one in all its HD glory. So here’s that:

I’m not the biggest fan of the Suicide Squad comics (though I’ve been reading the current version of the team to get up to speed), but I have to say that that looks pretty great. The team itself has an interesting roster with ‘normal’ people (who just happen to be not too savory) like Will Smith’s Deadshot, Boomerang, and Katana paired with crazies like Harley Quinn and super-powered menaces like Croc and Enchantress.

I also have to add on there that Killer Croc looks 10 times better in motion that I thought he would. The makeup being prosthetics, I had assumed he’d have the Michael Chiklis rubberized ‘Thing’ look from Fantastic Four, but that seems not to be the case. Happy about that.

Joker also looks pretty darn terrifying to be honest. There’s an air of complete insanity, and nothing cartoony either, about his performance, and I can’t wait to see more. I’m a big Joker fan, and I can admit that Heath Ledger proved me wrong in The Dark Knight and it looks like Jared Leto is doing the same here. Also, there’s talk that that’s Joker in the Animated Batman mask in the gunfight scene, and if that’s the case then that’s just the greatest.

Also worth noting, Margot Robbie looks fantastic as Harley Quinn (some great mannerisms there) and it looks like her ‘origin’, which has really never been told, will get told in the film.

So that’s the Suicide Squad, and here’s BvS:

Yow. I’m a big fan of both title heroes (as well as Wonder Woman really) and I’m so ridiculously on board with this movie. There’s an epic feel that’s nothing short of incredible and what looks to be some very interesting story points that should make for a pretty amazing springboard into Justice League and the rest of the DC film slate.

For starters though, this is a very Batman-centric trailer, with some little hints as to what Lex Luthor will be bringing to events. Personally, I think it’s probable that Luthor is playing all parties to get to his own ends. What those are, I’m sure, involves killing Superman and making him look as bad as possible on the way.

The symmetry between Man of Steel and BvS is also pretty incredible, especially in that scene with Zod’s heat-vision ripping apart the skyscraper in Metropolis. There’s a great comparison video on YouTube showing how the blasts viewed from Bruce Wayne’s (Ben Affleck’s) position on the ground outside, perfectly matches the interior action with Zod and Superman. Click here to view it.

I also am really impressed with Affleck by the way. While he certainly wouldn’t have been my first choice, he looks great as Batman and Wayne both, and seems to carry off that angry, weary warrior look that the Dark Knight should always be painted with. He just looks like a guy who’s been to war one too many times, which is great. Oh, and that Robin suit? Fantastic. I’m guessing it’s Tim (which would actually match up with the Animated Series continuity) since that’s a bo staff he’s holding in the shrine, but we’ll see. I’d love to see Red Hood somewhere, so I’m holding out hope that it’s Jason Todd’s costume entombed there.

As for Gal Godot’s Wonder Woman, I hear she’s a very important element in the movie, so I hope there’s a chance that we’ll see a trailer devoted entirely to her, but she does look awesome here nonetheless. Aside from the cartoons and the original TV show, Wonder Woman hasn’t been brought to life in any meaningful way anywhere, and this version of Diana (so far) seems like it’ll be a winner.

Other than all that, the trailer was chock full of big effects and action, Henry Cavill’s fantastic take on Superman, and one of the best-looking Bat-suits ever on film. I’m more than optimistic at this point that DC is finally going to give its stable of heroes a first class series of films- and I can’t wait.

With a wait that’s entirely too long, Batman v Superman lands in theaters on March 25th, 2016, with Suicide Squad arriving on August 5th.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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