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Magicka 2 Coming to PS4

Magicka 2 will blast its magically way onto PS4 May 26th. Magicka puts the player in charge of a wizard with 8 elemental powers. By combining these various elements, players create spells for direct attacks, area effects, to use on themselves, or imbue a wizard’s sword. The combinations are almost limitless, allowing players full customization for their particular play style. The developers want players to fully explore all the elemental combinations so the game begins with all of them unlocked. Start blasting enemies away with a fire-water steam jet or combine three elements to create death mines or healing spells for your cohorts. The only thing to keep in mind is opposite elements, i.e. fire and ice, will cancel each other out rather than create a badass spell. Otherwise, this is a no-holds-barred magic killing spree; be careful though, as your spells can hit you and your team for better or worse. Prepare for your friends to rage quit and stop talking to you, but while having so much fun!

Paradox Studio worked hard to coordinate the button arrangement on the DualShock4 to provide the most comfortable and intuitive design. Cooperative play supports drop-in and drop-out, offline or online. Magicka 2 has a full campaign, solo or multiplayer, as well as a wave-based challenges. Magicka 2 adds a new element, artifacts, as adjustable game parameters that can be used to help or hinder progress, much like Idols and Spirits in Bastion. There are 32 artifacts that players can unlock throughout the game.

I played Magicka on PC and it is extremely fun. Blasting friend and foe alike filled me with a god-like sense of power…until my friend did it to me. Prepare for magical chaos and glee on PS4 as well as Windows and GNU/Linux come May 26th.

Follow me on Twitter for PlayStation and gaming news: @lmrome3

About Lisa

Favorite Game: Shadow of the Colossus. Favorite Moment in gaming: 100% completing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Life isn't hard, Megaman is.

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