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Lukas Korba Releases ‘Qubies’

‘Qubies’ is a free iPhone and iPad game which takes the familiar block falling mechanic from columns and Tetris, as you progress through the game the speed gets faster and faster.


Simple touch controls, bright eye catching colours and a brilliant soundtrack make this simplistic game such a joy to play. With simple touch controls you must move and rotate the blocks to match the colour groups of three cubes, to move the blocks you simply move your finger across the screen where you want the block to go, to rotate you simply tap the block. When a row of three colours is achieved the corresponding blocks are wiped from the board, and the remaining blocks stay where they are. As the game progresses a lot more forward planning is required as the board rapidly fills up.


Available for free now on the app store you can play classic move, with no ads and no time out. For an additional £1.49 you can unlock Sprint Mode and Rows mode.  The paid version also unlocks the ability to save high scores globally, which is a shame this is not included in the free version.


‘Qubies’ is the second game created by Lukas Korba, a game designer who recently quit his job at Icflix to focus on his own projects.

About Jakexhorror

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