Looking for something really different in a game about warfare? This War of Mine tells the story of the innocents caught up in the horror.
We reviewed This War of Mine just last Friday, and it was pretty easily one of the most unique games we’ve ever looked at here at BG. This isn’t a big blockbuster FPS where you’re battling through the city streets and defeating the bad guys, this is a game that’s simply about surviving and making it to the next day in an occupied city, ravaged by war. For that alone, it’s well worth a look.
It’s actually kind of creepy as well, maybe more so than any game about something like a zombie apocalypse ever could be. The trailer above is a haunting one, especially given the last worlds from ‘star’ Emir Cerimovic, and that’s that war always happens on someone’s doorstep.
Check it out on the PC, Mac, and mobiles now.