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Super Smash Bros Smash-Fest

In what is perhaps one of the coolest collaborations between Mega64 and Nintendo ever, an incredibly fun invent has been announced for E3.

The video is pretty neat and funny, you see Rocco Botte and Shawn Chatfield attempting to uncover some juicy secrets that are planned for E3 by Nintendo. They create a robot that looks exactly like Reggie with some cool looking shades. They attempt to storm Nintendo headquarters, fooling everyone into believing that the robot is in fact Reggie. They make it into the boardroom, where Rocco is forced to choose between a plan A and plan B. He picks plan B, which is to cancel Reggie’s lunch with President Obama, and to host a Super Smash Brothers invitational tournament in LA.

He then suggests to the board members that Super Smash Bros should be playable at Best Buy; when one of the board directors objects, he vaporizes her. After the meeting ends he finally makes his way to a door where all of the E3 secrets are held, but right before he opens it, the robot runs out of energy. Conveniently enough the robot will only be usable after it recharges for a couple of weeks, when E3 starts. All in all it was a very entertaining and informative video. Everything that they wanted to convey to the audience was illustrated through the skit that both Nintendo and Mega64 collaborated on.

Source: Nintendo

About Christopher Deleanides

Well, my name's Christopher Deleanides as you all know and I'm the Nintendo Editor here at BG. I've been playing video games since 1992, and I've been a Nintendo fan the entirety of those years. My love for video games as well as Nintendo hasn't changed, and probably never will. The only thing that comes close is politics, as I'm very deeply involved in both local and international issues.

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