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Watch Dogs exclusives on the way for PS4/3 editions

Available exclusively on the PlayStation family of platforms, Ubisoft has announced a pretty neat set of add-ons for Watch Dogs that’ll add another hour of content onto your play time.

The exclusive content includes four extra missions, representing one hour of exclusive gameplay, as well as a unique ‘White Hat’ Hacker Outfit.  By playing this additional content, players will have a deeper knowledge of DedSec, a key and powerful faction in the Watch Dogs universe. Once complete, a Hacking Boost named Superior Capacity is acquired which gives players one additional Battery Slot.

The scenario takes place after Aiden Pearce, the vigilante hero of Watch Dogs, catches the eye of DedSec, a notorious hacker group fighting for freedom and security in the digital age. Aiden receives an encoded message asking him to help some members of this organization who want payback. Pearce must use his knowledge of Chicago’s complex ctOS network to discover digital vulnerabilities in Umeni Technologies’ security network and earn his reward.

Watch Dogs is a huge game already, and has had gamers ready to take on the world of Aiden Pierce since the open world title’s delay from Holiday of last year to this May. Getting a nice little downloadable ‘gift’ in the way of some DLC that both adds in some buffs and actually expands the gameplay is a happy little bonus.

This pack is exclusive to PlayStation 3 & 4 gamers too, so you’ll need to pick up the game on one of those two platforms if you want in on the freebies. Not just coming to Sony’s consoles though, Watch Dogs is also coming to the Xbox 360/One and PC on May 27th with a Wii U version due later in the year.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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