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Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs delayed again

The sequel to Frictional Games frightfest Amnesia: The Dark Descent is to be delayed once again.

Having originally been set for a halloween release, and then pushed back for a Q2 release, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs is now to be released at some point during “late summer”. Frictional Games co-founder Jens Nilsson had the following to say on the forum “We are working away as fast as we can, it has to take the time it takes. We have no rush” he then went on to explain “We know we will not make Q2, we also know when the game will be ready for launch. We have not set the exact day yet. You can however make good use of the weather outside this summer and look forward to gaming with the piggies as the summer comes to an end.”

In an email sent to Polygon, developers thechineseroom’s Dan Pinchbeck added “One of the great things about being an indie developer is you can really spend the time you want and need on a game without the pressure to release by a certain point.” I don’t know about you, but I’m looking at this as a positive, in an era where most games are rushed to meet a deadline and are often criticised for it, it’s refreshing to see a team that are putting in the time and dedication to make a great experience.

While playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent myself in a dark room and with headphones on as recommended, I can honestly say I can’t remember the last time I had been that genuinely afraid while playing a game, there were so many moments in the game I wanted to quit halfway and stop playing (My pride as a man the only thing that kept me going). My favourite feature of the game though, were the custom stories, which allowed budding young developers to create their own stories using the games engine and believe me, there’s quiet a number of good ones in there. The return of custom stories is one thing I’m hoping to see in the sequel, however, if the game is even half as good as the first one, then it’ll definietly be well worth the wait.

About MrAwkwardOne

I've been a gamer since I was a child (which is going way back when) the very first console I owned was the Sega Master System, during my time as a gamer I have pretty much come across nearly every console including the Bally Astrocade(which requiered cassette tapes to play games) so I have broad range of knowledge when it comes to video games. My favourite game of all time is between Shadow Hearts (a rare gem of an RPG released for the Playstation 2) and Final Fantasy VIII.

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