Home / Comics / It’s a big year for the X-Men’s Storm, as she joins the Avengers and gets a new solo book

It’s a big year for the X-Men’s Storm, as she joins the Avengers and gets a new solo book

One of the greatest X-Men of all time, Storm is getting her own solo title, a run with the Avengers, and a fresh costume.

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When you talk about the greatest X-Men of all time, you can probably name more than a handful of heroes. There are a couple of those though, that stand out even amongst the best of the best, and we’re talking about names like Cyclops, Wolverine, Colossus, Psylocke, Gambit… and Storm.

Storm has been one of the most powerful X-Men right from day one, plus a key part of major storylines, and a team-leader. Now she’s set to add two more titles to her name, with her own solo comic and a stint with none other than Marvel Comics’ premier team in the current era, The Avengers.

Storm’s solo book will be helmed by writer Murewa Ayodele, with X-veteran Lucas Werneck onboard as artist, and as mentioned, she’ll be starring with a brand new costume.

Ororo Munroe has lived many lives. She’s been a thief, a goddess, an X-Man, a queen, and now…an Avenger! She is the most prominent, most respected and most powerful mutant on the world stage—and in that role, she intends to be a force for positive change. First up: a major meltdown at a nuclear facility in Oklahoma City draws Storm from her Sanctuary in Atlanta—and into a moral conflict that will test her iron resolve! As one of the year’s biggest launches, it’ll be packed with guest stars including Storm’s fellow Avengers, X-Factor’s Frenzy, and more! 

Marvel Comics press release

Storm #1 will join the upcoming collection of new X-books in the fall, hitting the stands on October 2nd.


While her solo series is one thing, being an important part of an Avengers squad is another. And while Marvel points out that the heroine has been a part of Avengers tales before, this time there is a difference. Storm sounds like she’ll be more than just a part of the proceedings, as Ororo takes up a semi-leadership role.

She’ll be joining the team this August, in the midst of writer Jed MacKay’s run with issue #17.

Cover by Joshua Cassara

In the aftermath of Blood Hunt and Fall of the House of X, the Avengers are licking their wounds and reassessing their goals. One member takes the initiative by approaching Storm, hoping to add her strength and perspective to the team’s upcoming missions! And the roster won’t be the only thing shaken up when a deadly threat sets its vengeful sights on Earth!

On the decision to add Storm to the lineup, MacKay said, “When we were putting together thoughts for X-Men, one problem kept coming up—Storm needed to have a presence in a book befitting her status, but it would be weird for her to be on an X-Men team if she wasn’t the leader. The solution was simple—she needed to be on the global stage, among equals, and what better place for that than the Avengers? We’re excited to bring Storm back to the Avengers and show what adventures she’ll get up to as part of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!”

Marvel Comics press release

Look for Avengers #17 on the stands this August the 8th.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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