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One Million Customers Visited Nintendo Badge Arcade

And Nintendo is celebrating by giving everyone two Free Plays every day for a week.

If you haven’t had the chance to visit the Nintendo Badge Arcade (downloadable via Nintendo 3DS’s eShop), then you’re missing out on meeting one of the most vibrantly animated and entertaining pink rabbits around.  But you’re also missing out on decorating your 3DS’s home menu with badges from a multitude of Nintendo franchises (including Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Pikmin, Rhythm Heaven, and more).

A dollar traditionally gets you five plays (or five chances to grab badges for your menu) via the game’s many claw machine games, as well as extra plays you can unlock by nabbing a myriad of badges.  Nintendo has also often given away the occasional free play, so the cheaper consumer inside you can celebrate its frugality.

Now that Nintendo Badge Arcade has had over one million visitors, Nintendo is giving everyone who visits two free plays per day until March 10th, meaning you’ll be able to nab a couple dozen badges easy with which to decorate your home menu.

The Badge Arcade is bringing back the most popular machines for the week, making for a total of 30 grabbers (averaging usually 5-8 badges per) that run the gamut from Super Mario, Animal Crossing, The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, and a catcher to nab you retro systems (decorative only, of course).

If you’ve ever wanted an Amoonguss to sit between the folders of your plentiful 3DS titles, then there’s no better time than now to give the Nintendo Badge Arcade a go.

Source: Siliconera, GoNintendo

About Michael

Brutal Gamer's Nintendo Editor spends an endless amount of time on his Switch (when he isn't lost in the mountains), dreaming of the return of 1080, F-Zero, and Custom Robo.

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