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Dark Horse’s Dragon Age comics get a fresh collection

Fenris and the Inquisition find themselves up against the Venatori in the newest collection of in-canon Dragon Age titles from Dark Horse Comics.

No one expects…

The video-gaming universe has been between Dragon Age games for a while. The last one, Dragon Age Inquisition, was released on consoles and the PC in 2014, so yeah it’s been a while.

For the overall world of Thedas though, it’s not been quite that much of a drought. Dark Horse Comics has been producing new stories, and even better is that they’re 100% in-canon. So if you love the Dragon Age universe, then these are probably books you should be checking out.

But what if you missed ’em in their original runs? Well I’m so glad you asked, since Dark Horse Comics has announced a new collected edition of just those tales.

Dragon Age: Deception, Dragon Age: Blue Wraith, and Dragon Age: Dark Fortress are all included in Dragon Age: Wraiths of Tevinter.

When a red lyrium artifact of devastating power surfaces in the Tevinter Imperium, the Inquisition mobilizes knight Ser Aaron Hawthorne, elven thief Vaea, and magekillers Tessa Forsythia and Marius to retrieve it. Along the way, they will acquire a fledgling con artist and a troubled mage as allies, as well as Fenris, the legendary Blue Wraith. But the Venatori have mobilized forces of their own, and it will take cunning, bravery, and sacrifice to stop their dark intentions from being realized.

Dark Horse

Priced in at $39.99 USD and presented in hardcover format, Dragon Age: Wraiths of Tevinter is set for an August 23rd, 2022 release. You can pre-order yourself a copy right now, via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your local comic shop and bookstore.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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