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Justice League #42 (Comics) Preview

The Kryptonian Eradicator is back, and he’s not alone. With an army of Daxamites at his back, he’s setting his sights on Earth.

A legion

Issue #41 of DC Comics’ Justice League book hit last week, and ushered in a new threat for the team in the form of the Eradicator. The longtime Superman villain now has a super-powered army with him, and basically kicked the League to the curb.

In making their escape though, Earth’s most powerful heroes left one of their own behind. That someone is now a prisoner of the Eradicator, and things just get worse from there.

Justice League #42 hits stands next week.

In last week’s Justice League #41, the entire League narrowly escaped from the Eradicator and his Advance Legion of powerful Daxamites.
Or rather, most of the team did.

In a shocking reveal, the Justice League realized they had left Wonder Woman behind and the Amazon warrior was now a captive of the Eradicator. As the nihilistic machine prepares to destroy all life on Earth, the Justice League is left without any idea of how to defeat it, and they’re down a core team member to boot. Wonder Woman, on the other hand, is just hoping she survives. One of the world’s strongest and most powerful heroes, she’s now at the mercy of someone who just soundly beat her entire team.

Unfortunately, it turns out luck has very little to do with her survivalThe Eradicator sees her as a useful prisoner, and that use can spell destruction for not just Diana, but the entire world. What is it? Read our exclusive first look at next week’s Justice League #42 to find out, and let’s hope that the heroes of the Justice League can once again figure out a way to save the world…and their teammate.

DC Comics

Click here for a full preview of the issue on DC Comics’ site.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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