It’s possible Walmart Canada has spoiled some huge E3 announcements

Walmart’s Canadian wing might’ve spoiled what looks to be all the biggest reveals on tap for E3 2018. That includes Gears of War 5, a new Splinter Cell, Borderlands 3, and Rage 2. And now it looks like one of those has been loosely confirmed.

It could be a very big year

First, most of this should still be considered in the realm of rumor. There’s really nothing to substantiate the list that Walmart Canada had on its website after all. Well, almost nothing. First spotted by Twitter user Wario64, the list includes a whole mess of tantalizing games that haven’t really even been hinted at.

Those include the aforementioned, as well as a new (untitled) Assassin’s Creed, Just Cause 4, and more. Lending credence to the “rumor”, some of the games are semi-known quantities. DC LEGO Villains, Borderlands 3, and a new Splinter Cell are all suspected to be on the way already. So seeing them confirmed wouldn’t be all that big of a deal.

As for the rest, there’s no confirmation… well almost none. Bethesda had a very interesting reaction to the Rage 2 mention. They commented by tweeting all the things wrong with the image that Walmart had posted, with the “errors” highlighted in pink. After that, they shared a picture of a rocket with this coming Monday’s date on it (5/14), also highlighted in pink. So could there be a Rage sequel announcement set for this coming Monday? Seems possible.

And if that’s true, what does it mean for the rest of the Walmart list? Could all of these games be hitting this year, or in the near future? Stay tuned, we’ll have any additional info as it breaks.

Source: Gamespot

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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