Home / 3DS / Pokemon Picross Releases December 3rd

Pokemon Picross Releases December 3rd

The West gets to enjoy their free-to-play Pokemon puzzle game next week.

Picross and Pokemon fans will be able to get the recently announced Pokemon Picross on Thursday, December 3rd when it comes out for free on the Nintendo eShop.  As previously reported, the game features over 300 puzzles to be solved, including one for every Mega Pokemon.  Several Pokemon are also available to help with various skills that make your job even easier, and Players can purchase Picrites with real money in order to speed up the gameplay loop.

If you’re not one for throwing down real money on free games, you can also unlock these rare stones by clearing puzzles.  These Picrites allow players to uncover more areas and refresh skill cooldowns.  It remains to be seen how the pacing will be if you’re unwilling to pony up the dough.

I’ll definitely give it a download, as I’m itching for a new puzzle game and I love me some Pokemon, but I doubt I’ll be spending anything at all come December 3rd.

Source: Pokemon

About Michael

Brutal Gamer's Nintendo Editor spends an endless amount of time on his Switch (when he isn't lost in the mountains), dreaming of the return of 1080, F-Zero, and Custom Robo.

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