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Mario Kart 200CC is Nuts!

Mario kart for wii u recently had a huge new upgrade which adjusted the speed cap from 150 cc to a whopping 200cc. Now for the casual Mario kart fan this may not sound like a lot but the new speed brings a welcomed change to the game and also introduces us to some new short cuts which were previously not available at the slower game modes. In addition to this 8 additional new tracks have been made available. Half of which are brand new and the other half are redesigned tracks from previous Mario Kart games.


Track List:

  1. Baby park (GCN)
  2. Neo Bowser City (3DS)
  3. Cheese Land (GBA)
  4. Ribbon Road (GBA)
  5. Wild Woods
  6. Super Bell Subway
  7. Animal Crossing
  8. Big Blue


New characters introduced also include the animal crossing villager, Isabelle and Dry Bowser.

For Mario Kart Fans this is an essential purchase. It adds some much needed variety to the game and the new speed is a welcome addition. Be careful on those corners though, See you on the Race Course!

About Jakexhorror

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