Home / News / past / Pull up a chair, Hearthstone is now available for Smartphones.

Pull up a chair, Hearthstone is now available for Smartphones.

Blizzards popular TCG hearthstone has finally been made available on phones and tablets.

Available on both iOS and the google play store the smartphone rendition of the free to play game has been rejigged to accommodate for the smaller screen space, and I must say it plays really well. Blizzard has stripped back the interactive environments and instead of having your hand in front of you the cards and mana have now been moved to the left and right of the screen respectively. I tested this on the iPhone 5, and even though I’m used to playing on my iPad Mini after about 5 minutes I could hardly tell the difference. The game runs really smooth and hardly suffered from lag. Upon opening the game you can see that the menu has been rejigged to accommodate the smaller screen space, friends is now found in the top left corner, with quests, and the shop being found on the bottom of the left hand menu. Gold, packs and your existing cards are now found on the right hand side.

Controls are as simple as they were for tablets. You simply tap to expand you hand in game to see what cards you have, it takes some time to get used to but it becomes fluid and natural after a few tries.

Smartphone users can rest easily knowing that the account they play with on pc and tablet is easily transferred over. After downloading the game onto my phone I was able to play straight away (well after I had reset my blizzard password, but that’s the risk you take when your laptop remembers all your passwords for you).

I really enjoyed this as a huge hearthstone fan I found this to be a nice addition as I was able to play whilst in bed and not worry about dropping a tablet onto my head, id much rather have a phone smack me in the head then a much heavier tablet.

About Jakexhorror

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