A worldwide Nintendo Direct has been announced for February 13th, and will begin 2 PM PST time. The Direct will cover upcoming Wii U and 3DS games in the spring.
With Mario Kart 8 on its way in May, we’re probably going to get even more information regarding the game, maybe a trailer and even a release date. We’ll no doubt hear about Yoshi’s New Island, perhaps even a little something about Yarn Yoshi. Monolith Soft‘s X will most likely be saved for E3, but with Nintendo Directs you just never know. After all, who really expected a Dynasty Warriors themed Zelda game? Bayonetta 2 is another game that needs to have some more light shed on it. So far we’ve only seen footage from the E3 demo and some minor mentions here and there. Of course, we can’t forget about the Wii U’s upcoming game this month, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze.
We can be pretty sure that the title will appear in this Direct, probably with a last minute trailer. Finally, there’s Super Smash Bros 4. What can we expect to hear about that? Palutena revealed as a playable character? Or maybe even something even crazier like a Bayonetta reveal. All wishful thinking, but it’s best not to get too unrealistic. You can watch the Direct here tomorrow http://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/archive/02-13-2014/ or alternatively catch it on Nintendo‘s youtube channel.