Home / Comics / Terminator: The Enemy of my Enemy #1 (Comics) Preview

Terminator: The Enemy of my Enemy #1 (Comics) Preview

Dark Horse’s latest take on the Terminator franchise locks and loads.

To say that Dark Horse Comics’ Terminator comics have been the better of the films in the series that have seen release as of late isn’t much of a stretch. Terminator and T2 are classics of the action/sci-fi genre, there’s no bout of that, but past those two the franchise has been just a tad sketchy, and that might be being kind.

The books that Dark Horse puts out though, those are anything but. If you’re a fan of the source material and you haven’t read any of the now deep history of Terminator comics from the publisher since they kicked off way back in 1990, you’re doing yourself a disservice. This latest edition to the Terminator timeline starts off just a year after the first film in the movie series and sees Skynet attempting to eliminate a scientist who has made a discovery that could threaten the future of the Skynet AI itself. And that, is something that the big bad super-computer just can’t allow.

From the preview, it certainly looks as though Terminators aren’t the only pursuers of Dr. Elise Fong. An armed woman accosts her before one of the title bots interrupts and it certainly sounds like thats not the only time that’ll be happening in the book- it is called Enemy of my Enemy after all. It also looks to be loaded with action with a tight and tense script penned by Dan Jolley, which is something that T-fans should feel right at home with. I’m really digging Jamal Igle’s artwork here too, it’s nice and clean with just the right feel to it. You can definitely tell that Enemy of my Enemy is taking place in the 1980’s; everything just feels a little… simpler. Oh and also- I love that cover. Awesome stuff.

Terminator: Enemy of my Enemy #1 hits the racks on February 19th- no time portal or murderous robots needed.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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