Home / Collectables / Her Universe preps exclusives for Hot Topic

Her Universe preps exclusives for Hot Topic

Designer (and Ahsoka Tano voice) Ashley Eckstein has a brand new line of Star Wars themed garb set for release at Hot Topic and a special gift for Star Wars Day.

The new items will post to Hot Topic’s website on May the 4th (Star Wars Day). It will also be the only place to find any of the 6 designs shown in the video, including that cool Boba Fett tank.

“I am thrilled to be working with Hot Topic again to celebrate May the 4th Be With You,” said Ashley Eckstein. “I am also excited to debut a new design with one of our favorite guest designers, Denise Vasquez. Denise brought her unique ‘Day of the Dead’ inspired style to a new design featuring Boba Fett.”

And as Eckstein said in the video, the first 500 customers who pick up a Her Universe Star Wars item from Hot Topic’s site on May the 4th will be gifted a cinch-pack absolutely free. That’s a great deal, especially since the design on the pack is awesome all by itself.

Also on May the 4th, Her Universe will be offering a special 20% off of items on their own site. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you can have a look and map out your buying strategy by clicking here.

About JessicaR

The movies, music and television of the '80s are Jessica's obsession. She's a fan of almost everything from the 'me decade' including (but not limited to) Barbie, Jem, She-Ra, Ms Pac-Man and neon print anything.

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