Marvel teams Superior Spidey with the whole Marvel Universe in the new team-up book launching this July.
July has been dubbed Superior Spider-Month by Marvel Comics, and with good reason. The publisher has a ton of Superior related stuff going on and Superior Spider-Man Team-Up is definitely a big part of the festivities.
The new book pairs SSM with different heroes each month and pits them against some baddies that you might not normally see Spidey (Superior or otherwise) going up against.
“Superior Spider-Man Team Up #1 takes fans across the entire Marvel Universe and pits Superior Spider-Man against heroes and foes you wouldn’t necessarily think he’d rub shoulders with,” explains Stephen Wacker, Senior Editor, Marvel Entertainment. “More and more people in the Marvel Universe are starting to sense a change in Spider-Man, and being able to see Chris put Spidey in those situations is going to have my inbox full of team-up requests! (So stay strong Songbird fans!”)
I love team-up books. There’s something about seeing heroes mixed and matched with others and facing new and fresh threats that just seems awesome. These pairings might not be things that you’d want to see all of the time, but that’s where the beauty of the one shot style team-up comes into play.
Stay tuned this July as Marvel’s Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #1 hits stands from the creative team of Chris Yost and David Lopez.