Home / 3DS / First story trailer debuts for Etrian Odyssey Untold

First story trailer debuts for Etrian Odyssey Untold

Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl is the first game in the long-running series from Atlus to actually have a playable story and it’s got everything you’d expect… plus a highlander.

There can be only one!! …sorry.

Anyway, the narrative is a first for the series, but it’s not the only thing that’s different about Etrian Odyssey Untold. Atlus has also announced a very cool-sounding, very unique twist in the game’s bestiary with the Formido Oppugnatura Exsequens or FOEs.

The FOE is not a particular enemy, but the type of baddies that you’ll face in the game. They’re kind of like a puzzle that you fight. And if that’s not innovative, I don’t know what is. You can check out some of the FOEs that’ll be standing in your way in Etrian Odyssey Untold below, or take a click over to the brand new website that just opened for more info.

Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl hits the Nintendo 3DS on October 1st.


As the first FOE you meet, the Furyhorn is sort of a “training wheels” encounter. It moves back and forth on a preset line and won’t chase you down if you stray into its line of sight. If you’re feeling daring and sure that you’re in no danger of getting bogged down in a random encounter-the enemy indicator gauge to the lower right helps a lot with this-then you can follow behind it to get where you need to be.

Reaping Shades

You’ll meet these terrors in wide, open spaces, and you’ll need the room. They home in on you from the instant you enter their territory and never let up until you find your way out. To get past them, you’ll need to perform a sort of grim waltz: they’ll only take two steps for every three of yours, which can give you the slight opening you need to get past. Just be careful not to squander that opportunity in a random battle as you try to gain that slight lead, or they could be breathing even closer down your neck.

Jungle Killers

These FOEs have the particularly nasty habit of breaking the rules and not showing up on the field until you’re only a couple spaces away, at which point they break from cover and begin chasing you down. If you find yourself suddenly faced with one, your only option is to try to use the environment to get around its hiding place so you can get past. If you haven’t yet mapped out enough of the surrounding area, you can also try retracing your steps far enough that it loses interest.

Boulder Boars

These ugly customers “hide” in plain sight as piles of rocks and only come alive when they think they have a shot at catching their prey-namely, you. Once they shed their disguise and rear up, your next move had better be to get out of their way; if it’s not, you’ll find your party smack in the path of their lightning-quick rampage straight forward. This is easily done when you’re only dealing with one at a time, but if you ever find yourself in a whole room dotted with the things, you’d best step lively to avoid being gored.

Giant Moas

These flightless birds require a bit more care on the player’s part, especially when combined with partners or the hazardous terrain. They generally stay still and spend a couple of moves facing a particular direction before turning right. So long as you stay out of their field of view, they’re harmless, but if they ever manage to catch sight of you, they’ll give chase. If that happens, you’ll have to retreat out of its territory entirely and wait for it to return to its perch before trying again. You’ll definitely want to make sure your map is accurately drawn before making a second attempt.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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