Something new from Marvel Comics, the Weekly Flip will fill you in on all the week’s books.
Flipping out
The week at a glance. That’s the idea behind The Weekly Flip, Marvel’s newest series of videos for fans. What you’ll be getting in the Flip, is a look at the covers of the books coming yup for the current week. So, if you didn’t already, you’ll know what to look for on the racks.
Most fans I know have pull lists of course, where their local comics shop pulls all the stuff that they collect on a weekly basis. For them, this really isn’t a necessity. If you’re a new fan though, lured into the world of the printed page through Marvel’s films, this is actually pretty cool.
Things move kind of fast in the Flip though, so you might want to pause this when you see something you dig. And then maybe write it down, because there’s a bunch of great books hitting this week. New issues of Spidey, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Death of X and more will be on shelves, just waiting for you to take them home and give a read.
So without further ado, scroll down, hit play, and check out the first Weekly Flip from Marvel.