A reinvention of the classic Games Workshop title, Auroch Digital’s new Dark Future: Blood Red States lets gamers take to the roads of semi-post-apocalyptic America.
It’s more than a little unusual to see a Games Workshop title that’s not branded with the word ‘Warhammer’ somewhere on it, so points for that alone go to developer Auroch. And actually, a few more for making what looks to be a pretty neat-looking car chase game.
This isn’t the enveloper’s first GW rodeo either, as they’ve already produced Chainsaw Warrior, which was another title based on a GW property other than their best known claim to fame. Dark Future looks very different than that game though, in that this one relies on speed. Taking place in a future world where big cities are corporate controller utopias, and everything else is garbage-coated wasteland, it’s reminiscent of Judge Dredd a bit too, which certainly isn’t a bad thing.
You’ll play Dark Future as the owner of a Sanctioned Ops agency, which is basically a bounty hunting firm working for a government that’s become all but a shadow of what it was. Your job is to manage both your fleet of vehicles and drivers, as well as bring a little law and order to the open road between the aforementioned cities, keeping the roadways clear for people and commerce.
Sounds interesting, and I dig those somewhere retro looks too. We’ll be keeping tabs on Dark Future: Blood Red States, and let you know how it’s progressing.