Home / Movies & TV / Jersey Shore Massacre (Blu Ray) Review – A Massacre or a hit ?

Jersey Shore Massacre (Blu Ray) Review – A Massacre or a hit ?

A typical weekend down the shore takes an unexpected turn as six girls and five obnoxious fist pumpers become the target of a deranged killer.

Now instantly from the title people who dislike Jersey Shore, Geordie Shore and anything of the like will be instantly turned off. If you can look past this though, you get a surprisingly funny enjoyable film, for what it’s worth. It takes a stab at the culture made famous by the show IN the name, and it portrays the characters perfectly. You dislike them all in their own way and yet you can’t help feel compelled to watch them. The film is laden with boobs, blood and partying, which is what would be expected given the name of the film.

The story is simple and yet effective, but what would you expect from a film with this title? Basically, 6 girls and 5 brain dead guys hook up and are stalked by a deranged killer, that’s it. For its simplicity it’s very entertaining and we’ll driven by its clever comedy and thrills and spills.

The characters were very generic for a slasher film, whether this was intentional or not is down to personal preference. The numerous nods to the slasher films of the 80s gave the film a nice nostalgic feeling as well and, whilst in places derived from the story, were welcomed none the less. Plus it’s also good to see Shaun C. Phillips, who for those who don’t know runs a bi-weekly series on youtube documenting his latest film purchases, go check it out!

Final Thoughts

All in all for what it’s worth jersey massacre was an entertaining watch for the most part, watch it if your a fan of silly comedy films and are stuck for something to watch.

About Jakexhorror

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